Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 3 of Mexico: The Recovery

Well, this day was pretty uneventful. I woke up about 7 and screwed around on the internet for a bit. Then a nurse comes in and tells me it's shower time. She unhooks me from the IV and covers my left hand in a plastic back then tapes it tight. I go take a shower without and problems, carefully scrubbing around the incisions. I still had a bunch of that yellow stuff that they put on you when you have incisions. I scrubbed like hell trying to get that crap off with only limited success. They provided shampoo but no conditioner which I didn't bring so my hair turned into the gnarliest puffball that I've ever had. I dry off and get dressed then walk the halls for a bit. When I come back, my "breakfast" was in my room. It consisted of a drinkable yogurt, watered-down apple juice, bottled water, and hot tea. The watered-down apple juice was nasty but the yogurt drink was quite nice.

It's a little before 10 now and another nurse comes in and tells me it's time to go. I was still plugging away at my "breakfast" when she came. Dr. Horacio came to see how I was doing and determined I was ready for discharge. (I forgot to mention that he visited me the night before. He was the assistant surgeon on the procedure. Dr. Rumbaut had to leave town right after the procedure to a bariatric conference in Cancun.) I started packing and I realized that I couldn't find my wallet or passport. She comes back a few minutes later and says "Vamanos!" and I tell her that I can't find my wallet or passport. I'm frantically searching everything, under the bed, under the couch, all my bags, etc. with no luck. She goes and starts making calls at the nurses station. I go through all my stuff yet again and I finally find them in a pocket of a pocket of my laptop bag. When we have a collective sigh of relief, I get all my bags and she leads me downstairs to the waiting shuttle driver. I make a pitstop at the gift shop before I leave since I wanted to send some postcards to everyone but they didn't have any so I head back to the hotel empty-handed.

Dr. Richard was waiting for me at the hotel when I got there to see how I was doing. I spent most of the remainder of the day killing time. I head back over to the H-E-B for another calling card since mine was basically used up. The second attempt to buy one was no less easy and I left the other card in the hotel so I couldn't just point to what I wanted. The rest of the day was occupied by surfing the net and watching TV.


  1. Hi Scott, Thanks for giving such a great account of what to expect. I leave for Mexico today for surgery with Dr Rumbaut. I feel a lot more prepaired after reading your blog. Thanks for putting it out there! I personally am not brave enough to blog so thank goodness other people are. Its really a big help to others!

  2. Scott, any updates? It's been a month, I'd love to hear about your progress, problems, highs and lows! Hope all is well!
